The 200th Anniversary Release


This is a special release. Along with a nice textfile about the history of Underground Empire with the focus on PPEs, it includes updated versions and remakes of our PPEs from 95/96 with new features, bugs fixed, proper documentation and so on. Be aware of the fact that these PPEs are not the merit of PPE coding, though. It is a glance back on our history and our roots. The PPEs may be useful anyways, so go ahead and check them out!
This is a list of all re-released PPEs, some with screenshots, others not. To get some information about them download the complete archive UE-00200.ZIP and explode it (PKUNZIP -D please); then read the dox.

UE-00059.ZIP: N-Replacement v1.2 ............... Sandman

UE-00051.ZIP: NewUzaApplication ................ Lord Xeen
UE-00048.ZIP: PPE-Collection for PCBTEXT ....... Sandman

UE-00043.ZIP: Lamerscanner by Sandman
UE-00041.ZIP: Anti-Hack by Sandman
UE-00040.ZIP: Anti-Lamer/Hackprotection by Sandman

UE-00031.ZIP: SecShow (Security Displayer) by Lord Xeen

UE-SPEED.ZIP: Speed-Displayer by Sandman
UE-USTAT.ZIP: User-Statistics by Sandman

UE-FAKED.ZIP: Fake-Frontdoor (Systempassword) by Low Spirit

Click here to download the release.

This site was created by Bad Peon of Underground Empire.

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